I have a new love. A new passion. And that is my shiny brand new HTC TyTN II. Check it out, yo! http://www.htc.com/product/03-product_tytn_II.htm
Newly launched just less than a month ago, it is currently the best in the market - with 3.5G HSDPA, GPS, WiFi, 3MP camera and the TouchFLO technology, it kicks the hell out of O2, HP, ASUS and the likes. Woohoo!!
waaaa dah beli lom sabtu arituh??
suka laa ada org yg upated ngan gajet2 camnih :P
dah beli la kan... tapi masih terkial2 nak guna function2 dia tu... punye la jakun
fuiyyooo...handphone baru eh, silap, PDA baruuu!!! kehkehkeh. dah habis bace manual ke blom? :P
u know where to find me should u need me.....to program the PDA I mean ;-)
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