Sunday, 13 January 2008


Tak tau kenapa but I don't fancy the technology called "short messaging system" or "sms".

Whenever I receive an sms (that warrants a response that is, not just some promotional smses from banks or Senheng), my mind would be contemplating - should I respond now, or can I respond later? If I need to respond now, would it suffice to just type a few words as a reply? Is it appropriate? Or would it be interpreted by the other party that I am just being uninterested? OK, if I delay my reply (in order to come out with a longer, more appropriate reply) won't the other party start wondering why does it take so long for me to reply an sms? "Isn't it simple a task to do?" one might ask.

Sigh. And most of the time, I ended up not replying anything.

That, until I have some time on my own when I have nothing much to do but to see thru my inbox and start clearing it up - deleting, replying if required, moving them to other folders etc.

Once, I got this "Dah 2 hari aku send sms tu hari ni baru kau nak reply? Lama aku pk ape benda yg kau cakap ni..."

Sorry folks :)


ieka said...

hmm aku pun ada masalah yg sama.. dulu kalau seminggu atau dua minggu baru reply tu kire standard, lepas sebulan baru reply pon aku buat.. dan aku dulu hanya mcm sempat nak baca n reply sms sblom tido..

sekarang ni, dah improve sket. 2 hari plg lambat :P

y@tipruzz said...

rasa cam rindu ko, tp bila baca ni terus malas nak sms ko :p

tk care buddy!

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