Tuesday, 13 November 2007

The best nasi goreng ikan

Driving to office this morning, I suddenly thought of the good old days of my final year in uni - when the four of us in Biro KM, a subcommittee of a planned trip to Middle East, were struggling making preps for the trip and series of meetings beforehand. We would stay up till wee hours refining the itinerary, accommodating to the interests of two conflicting parties. Most of the time, we would have our sahur together, and sometimes, one of us who's obviously a better cook than the others will wake up very early to prepare nasi goreng ikan, in a very humble rice cooker in our Bilik Gerakan. And I must say, she makes the best nasi goreng ikan.

To Aina - I hope you still remember how to prepare the lovely meal :)


aniza said...

waaa the best in M'sia tak hengat. nih yg jeles nih. tp nak wat camner, aku tau masak air je :P

aina, mafus dah minta tuh. kalau wat kan utk dia, tapaukan lah sket utk aku hehe

Anonymous said...

awwh.. mafus honey.. this is so damn flattering.. i didnt know u like the 'nasi goreng bodo' so much to make u post an entry abt it here.. sorry dear, i've lost the so called 'touch'.. haha.. screw all the woks & pans.. only the humble rice cooker gives the best touch.. haha.. huwargh.. this entry gives me goosebumps!.. can't sleep thinking abt it.. ;)

btw "accommodating to the interests of 2 conflicting parties"? doesnt it kinda underrated.. it was chaotic & confusing, man! waa, reminiscing the sweet, sour & spicy of the 'great' dcba.. hahah..


SF said...

aniza - kan "the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach". sangatlah true especially for me hehe

aina - just last couple of weeks i was cleaning up my yahoo mailbox when i saw i still have the emails between "kakak" and "leader"... it was hillarious!! stuff like "perjalanan kita dicalari oleh pernikahan 'toot' dan 'toot' (censored for the benefit of underaged readers)" and i was like "dicalari oleh pernikahan!! whatttt the....???" and also "pihak pengurusan 'toot' akan meneruskan program2 spt ini, tapi kami akan pastikan ahli2 pengembaraan tidak bernikah sesama sendiri" hahahhaha... sounds like we are so incestuous bunch of perverts

sam said...

mafus, your entry is so shwueet...tapi response to aina is so farnee laa!! hahaha

ieka said...

aku baru baca ur blog balik mafus.. kelakar la.. ko ni nak kena org yg bakal dibunuh ke?:))

btw... korang masak kat bilik gerakan? uhuhuh cemana korang buat...

Anonymous said...

OMG...aku baru baca entry ni, terus terpanggil nak balas, bila baca ur reply to aina...lagi laa nak balas!! i have already forgotten abt all those!! fwd kan email tu kat aku bleh?? bak kata siti, kang kene bunuh kang baru tau! style benazir bhutto lagik! hahaha

aina, aku sure sgt kau dulu suka mengata aku time sahur kan, sbb all i did was woke up and eat...tak tolong langsung! hampeh sgt kan! ahahahahah